Vaginal cytology and artificial insemination New!

We at Small Animal Clinic, do go for Vaginal cytology for knowing exact day of ovulation and also do go for artificial insemination in circumstances where male dog’s sperm count is low , dog is not able to mount , or other physical problem of male / female dogs.• Ultrasonic scaling of teeth New!

Inspect your dogs mouth and smell the dogs breath regularly. Watch for hard, yellow build-up on the sides of your dog’s molars. This build-up is called plaque. If left untreated it calcifies into tartar. Tartar is like a shell coating the teeth. If left untreated the teeth decay, become loose, painful and smelly.

If you do notice the teeth require cleaning, take your dog to your Vet for a consultation and an appointment will be made for the dog to have ultrasonic de-scaling .This has to be done with the dog under a general anesthesia.

Chewing tennis balls and toys often leads to the teeth wearing down faster than normal. So, watch for wearing if your adult dog continually chews.

Normally dogs which are on home made diets needs more scaling than dogs on dry dog food as dry dog food pellets makes normal cleaning of teeth while chewing .

Do brush your dogs / cats teeth regularly to avoid these problems. Don’t use human paste as it contains floride and foaming agents.